Hemp contains high-quality plant protein with branched-chain amino acids that are vital for good health. It also has all nine essential amino acids, with the bonus of good-for-you essential fatty acids (2g per serving). Our hemp protein powders contain 66% edestin (a bioactive globulin protein that’s easy to digest) — more than any other plant!
These hemp protein powders have the added distinction of being gently cold-processed, without the use of hexane, a harsh chemical solvent used to process non-organic soy protein powders. They are also vegan and come in a non-BPA container. Find great smoothie and shake recipes in the Nutiva Kitchen.
• Organic Hemp Protein 15g
With 50% protein, 26% fiber (90% insoluble, 10% soluble), magnesium, iron and zinc, and beneficial fats, our Hemp Protein 15g is one of nature’s perfect superfoods. One serving provides 15 grams of raw organic protein and 8 grams of fiber (32% DV).
• Organic Hemp Protein Hi Fiber
With 37% protein, 40% fiber (90% insoluble, 10% soluble), magnesium, iron and zinc, and beneficial fats, our Hemp Protein Hi-Fiber is one of nature’s perfect superfoods. One serving provides 11 grams of raw organic protein and 12 grams of fiber (48% DV).
Benefits of hemp protein:
•Plant-based protein
•Made from raw hempseeds
•Certified organic and non-GMO
•All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential
•Essential fatty acids (omega 3 & 6)
•Good source of dietary fiber
•Gently cold-processed
•Never hexane processed
•Always chemical free
•Non-BPA container
For a convenient and delicious hemp shake mix try Hemp Protein Shakes in Vanilla and Chocolate.
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