Know Your Body Composition for Better Health
When it comes to getting fit there are a lot of different ways to measure success. Some say BMI (Body Mass Index) factoring height and weight, pant/dress size, the number on the scale or just the way you look in the mirror. What you should be focused on to have healthy and long-term success in a fitness plan is body composition.
Know Your Numbers
Knowing your body composition is important, because this does not just focus on your weight, but rather your lean mass to fat mass. Everyone carries weight differently and you have to remember muscle is a condensed weight and weighs twice as much as fat. Keeping in mind that most measuring tools do not account for water weight so the accuracy is about 98% for most body composition measuring tools.
Measuring Body Composition
In measuring body composition, there are many different tools used to calculate percentages: skin calipers, bioelectric impedance, hydrostatic weight, DEXA (Dual-Energy x0Ray Absorptiometry) and Air-Displacement Plethysmography. If you do not have access to any of these tools then you can do your body composition through and internet based site. You will need the following: measuring tape (tailor tape), scale and knowing your height. These websites will assist you in calculating your body composition and give you the direction for getting the most accurate measurements.
Factors in Composition
A healthy active range for men is 7-14% body fat and for women 18-25% body fat. With these numbers you can set a goal body fat percentage for your overall fitness plan. For example, to add muscle you will need to add protein, lower complex carbohydrates, other refined sugars and alcohols. Adding in rich leafy greens, colorful fruits and veggies to fill your body with clean energy. Try and eat the rainbow everyday…meaning eat something red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple everyday. This will help you get a wide variety of your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances) minerals, vitamins and nutrients.
Remember when you are starting a fitness plans you should set attainable goals if you want to lower your body fat which is the most common goal for Americans, you should try for 1/2-1% body fat in a month’s time. This will keep you motivated and excited for the months to come rather than dread the scale. Knowing your composition will also help when you may feel a plateau in your weight. Even if the scale is not changing your composition is.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.