My Experience with Juice & Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is one of the easiest, most powerful ways to cleanse and detoxify the body. Personally, I’ve completed a number of juice fasts, and highly recommend juicing to anyone who wants to boost their health and happiness.
I initially got into juicing after switching to a vegan diet at the age of 22. I was at an emotional rock bottom, feeling depressed, hopeless, stuck, confused, and very pessimistic about life. I didn’t feel good in my body, and I had no idea how to care for it.
In 2012, I transitioned to a fully plant-based diet. I committed myself to running and yoga, and began talking about my emotional problems with a wonderful therapist. At first, the results were fantastic, but a break-up and rocky reunion with my family of origin compelled me to stuff a lot of painful feelings. I had given up alcohol and drugs in 2012, but I started using heavy vegan foods and was prescribed psychotropic meditation to medicate my pain. I became a couch potato.
Fortunately, I was able to step out of my misery enough to volunteer at a therapeutic horsemanship facility in Scottsdale, AZ. A man there made me a glass of fresh carrot and apple juice with his Jack LaLanne juicer. I was immediately hooked. The next day I went to Costco to buy a juicer, and began making juice just about every day.
I took my daily juicing habit to the next level after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It’s a highly inspirational documentary on Netflix about Joe Cross. Cross is an Australian man who was obese, lethargic, and suffering from a handful of chronic illnesses. Joe only consumed fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 30 days, while touring the West to learn about the public’s eating habits. He experienced a number of health miracles, and I wanted a piece of that too!
I had gained a ton of weight while emotionally eating and wallowing in my own psych med coma. I knew a juice cleanse would help me reset my unhealthy habits and detox all the drugs I had been on.
30 Days of Juice
I completed a 30-day juice cleanse in the summer of 2013 while working full-time as a lifeguard and camp counselor in Colorado. I was working out and running every day. I felt AMAZING! I lost weight, my skin cleared, my digestion improved, and my whole outlook on life brightened.
During the cleanse, I took it upon myself to learn how to eat properly once I finished the cleanse. I wanted to retain all the amazing health benefits I had worked so hard for. I studied the work of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and other leading nutritional experts. I watched every health and food documentary I could get my eyes on.
For anyone considering a juice cleanse, it is very important how you break the fast. Understand that you must change your lifestyle in order to preserve the fantastic results and healing.
Since my month-long cleanse in 2013, I have incorporated juice into my daily life. I have completed a number of shorter cleanses since that time, and have used juice as a tool for preparing for and breaking water-only fasts. In fact, I am juice cleansing right now!
I love juice so much I have started my own business. I prepare freshly pressed juice from organic, locally-sourced fruits and vegetables. I serve people who want to drink a pint a day and those who are looking for the deeper healing that comes from longer-term juice cleansing. Juicing really can and will change your life!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.