Banish Back Pain with These 3 Fitness Tips
Suffering from back pain? If so, you aren’t alone. Back pain is a problem that plagues many individuals and may even become a chronic issue you have to deal with. Back pain nags at you, is almost always present in everything you do and can take months, if not years to over come if you ever do.
Fortunately, with the right approach, you can accelerate that timeline. When it comes to back pain, it’s all about knowing how to properly treat the pain and then prevent it from occurring again in the future.
Here are a few tips to know.
1. Rest Up
The first piece of advise is one that you may not want to hear if you’re a fitness enthusiast and that is to rest up. You need to give the muscles and ligaments a chance to recover and get back to feeling their best.
If you are constantly putting strain on the back, it’ll be hard for the full recovery process to occur.
One to two weeks off is usually in order.
2. Strengthen Your Back
Then when you do come back, focus on strengthening the muscles all around the core and lower back region. This means performing ab strengthening moves like the bicycle, the plank, as well as decline sit-ups, along with lower back building exercises such as back hyper-extensions, good mornings, and even rows.
These exercises should be done with lighter weight to start and then you should gradually go up in weight as you get stronger.
When these muscles are strong, they’ll form a protective shield around the back, reducing the risk of pain down the road.
3. Watch Your Form
Finally, since prevention is the best medicine, you need to know how to stop back pain later on. This may come down largely to using the right form. Whenever you have a weight over your head (such as in shoulder press), make sure that you are squeezing your abs and glutes. This will shift the hip position, keeping your lower back in proper position.
Likewise, whenever you are in an exercise that has you on the floor, be sure that you are keeping those abs tight and squeezing the small of your back into that floor.
By making a few changes to your current workout routine and focusing on strengthening the muscles that defend against back pain, you can say so long to this problem for good.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.