4 Great Foods to Boost Your Immune System
Keeping your immune system in top shape is a key part of staying healthy, energized, and preventing disease. Your immune system is like your master defense system, and will be responsible for eliminating unwanted bacteria and viruses from your body. It’s also responsible for ensuring you recover quickly from any injury or illness and for bouncing back from any intense physical activity you do.
The foods you eat on a day to day basis can influence your immune function, so taking the time to get your diet lined up right will pay off.
Let’s look at four great foods that’ll help you give your immune system a boost.
1. Yogurt
Real yogurt that contains live bacteria cultures is the first food to start adding to your diet to boost immunity. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are going to help you maintain a healthy gut environment. Since more than about 80% of your immune system is found in your gut, you want to keep it functioning optimally.
When too many unhealthy bacteria begin to overtake the good, naturally occurring bacteria, problems will result.
Eating yogurt will help keep the numbers of good bacteria up there.
2. Oats
Starting your day off with oatmeal is a great plan if you are hoping to achieve maximum blood glucose control and keep hunger down low.
Plus, oats may also help to strengthen your immune system as well. They contain a certain type of fiber that provides powerful antioxidant support to the body, which can reduce your chances of falling ill with the common cold or flu bug.
It’s a great comfort-food meal for those chilly winter mornings.
3. Garlic
While not an actual food per say, adding garlic to the foods you do eat is a great way to promote a healthier immune system. Garlic is rich in allicin, which helps to fight off infection and bacteria.
The minute you start to feel that cold coming on, try giving yourself a powerful dose of this herb. You might just find it reduces the severity and lifespan of that cold.
4. Beef
Finally, don’t be afraid to serve yourself some beef. Beef is rich in zinc content, which his a critical mineral that helps to keep your immune system strong. Zinc is also important for the development of white blood cells, which are a critical part of a well-functioning immune system.
Choose leaner cuts of beef to keep your calorie count in check.
So there you have the top immune boosting foods to consider adding into your diet plan. Are these making an appearance in your diet?
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.